When You Don't Know You Need Specialist Woodworm Treatment

Picture of Woodworm Beetle on Timber

Is it possible to have so much damage that you need a specialist woodworm treatment, without knowing the damage exists? Absolutely. The nature of woodworm makes it very possible for the insects to wreak havoc on timbers without property owners knowing about it until extensive damage has already been done. We see these kinds of cases all the time.

A very good example is a pub in West Yorkshire that has had to delay reopening after a scheduled refurbishment project revealed extensive woodworm damage. The damage has cost the owners thousands of pounds in repair costs, as well as lost revenue as a result of having to delay their reopening.

Hidden Damage in the Floor

The pub in question dates back to the mid-19th century. Its owners briefly closed the establishment to address some much-needed renovations in the space. During the renovation, they planned to remove the bar. That's where their woodworm problems began. Underneath the bar they noticed quite a bit of damage. Upon further inspection, it was discovered that the damage was significant enough to force replacement of as many as six floor joists.

It is a good thing the damage was discovered because there were some questions about the integrity of the affected joists. Had the owners not decided to remodel their pub, it would have only been a matter of time before the space was hazardous to patrons.

At any rate, the owners invested thousands of pounds of additional money in replacing the affected joists. Now that the repair work has been completed, they can continue with the refurbishment project. Based on the date of the original report in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner, they may already be open again.

Valuable Lessons Learned

So what can be learned from the West Yorkshire incident? First, that it is entirely possible for woodworm to extensively damage timbers without anyone being the wiser. Here in the UK, where woodworm is a very common problem, it's always a good idea to routinely examine structural timbers for any signs of woodworm.

A second lesson to learn is that a specialist woodworm treatment can be very effective at solving even serious problems. Woodworm is something that does not have to doom a building to ultimate destruction. If it is properly identified and dealt with, nearly any building can be saved.

Finally, the last lesson is one that dictates woodworm damage can take place over many, many years. It's not as though the beetles that cause woodworm ravage a structure overnight. Significant damage rarely occurs in just a few months; it normally takes years of gradual development.

If you're concerned about woodworm damage on your property, we invite you to contact us. We can offer you a specialist woodworm treatment that is custom-designed for your property and circumstances. We will do whatever it takes to address any existing damage and prevent further woodworm infestation. Our goal is to protect you and your property.


Huddersfield Daily Examiner – https://www.examiner.co.uk/news/woodworm-infestation-popular-pub-leaves-14333135